Henk Manschot

Filosoof en ethicus gespecialiseerd in de ethiek van de zorg voor mens en aarde en politieke ethiek.

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Henk Manschot

Filosoof en ethicus gespecialiseerd in de ethiek van de zorg voor mens en aarde en politieke ethiek.

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Curriculum Vitae

Henk Manschot

Henk Manschot is emeritus professor of philosophy and ethics. He graduated from the Sorbonne University in Paris, the Institut Libre de Sciences Politiques de l’Université de Paris and the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. After a period as senior lecturer at the University of Utrecht Mr Manschot was appointed full professor for philosophy and ethics at the University for Humanistic Studies in Utrecht (1989). He specialized in cultural philosophy and in ethic of care and wrote several academic publications in this field. His current research focuses on philosophical ecology, interconnections between human – and sustainable development, Nietzsche and ecology, and cosmo-political education.

From 1996 – 2000 Manschot was the vice-chancellor of the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht. He was Visiting Professor at the Free University of Brussels (Belgium) and from 2000 to 2004 president of the Socrates Foundation for Science and Culture. From 2002 to 2009 he was vice-chair of the China-Europe Foundation (CE-DESD) and Chair of the Encounter of World Views Foundation, which aimed to bring international political, academic and business leaders together around crucial values of interconnected global responsibility, leadership and development. Henk Manschot was fellow of the Human Development Capability Approach Association (HDCA).

The English version of his book on Nietzsches philosophy of the earth : Blijf de aarde trouw. Pleidooi voor en Nietzscheaanse terrasofie. (2016 Vantilt/Boom) is published by Bloomsbury with the title: Nietzsche’s Philosophy of the Earth. Biography, Politics, Ecology (2021). A Turkish edition will be published by Livera Publications in Turkey.

Selected relevant publications in English and German

• Manschot, Henk (2021) Nietzsche and the Earth. Biography, Ecology, Politics. (2021).

• Manschot, H.A.M. & Suransky, A.C. (2014). From a human-centered to a life-centered Humanism: Three dimensions of an ecological turn. In D. McGowen & A.B. Pinn (Eds.), Everyday Humanism (pp. 125-137). Londen: Equinox.

• Manschot, H.A.M. and Suransky, A.C. (2012). Pluralism and sustainable development. Proceedings Expert Seminar on Pluralism, Bio-Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development: Fort Portal, Uganda (April 2012).

• Manschot, Henk and Suransky, Caroline (2009) The Hidden Dimension of the Secular. Rethinking Humanism in the age of Religious Revitalism. Kosmopolis, Pluralism Paper No. 2- 2009, the Hague, The Netherlands Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (Hivos.)

• Manschot, Henk (1987) Nietzsche und die Postmoderne in der Philosophie. In: Die unvollendete Vernunft. Moderne versus Postmoderne, Suhrkamp SV.

• Manschot, Henk (1987) Moderne gemeinschaft zwischen Warm und Kalt. Nietzsche und Kafka. In: Orientations. Papers presented to the conference of Dutch and Hungarian Philosophers 1986-1990, edited by Zoltan Frenyo and Paul van Tongeren. Shaker Publishing.

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